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  • reflection
  • reflect名词形式
  • Reflection怎么加ing
  • reflecting是什么意思
  • reflect是什么意思


reflectionre.flec.tionn.Abbr. refl.(名词)缩写 refl.The act of reflecting or the state of being reflected.反射:反射的行为或被反射的状态Something, such as light, radiant heat, sound, or an image, that is reflected.被反射物:如光、高热、声或形象等被反射的事物Mental concentration; careful consideration.精神集中;仔细考虑A thought or an opinion resulting from such consideration.深思熟虑的想法:通过这种考虑产生的想法或观点An indirect expression of censure or discredit:指责,怀疑:批评或不信任的间接的表达:a reflection on his integrity.对他正直的怀疑A manifestation or result:显示,结果:Her achievements are a reflection of her courage.她的成就是她勇气的显示Anatomy 【解剖学】 The folding of a membrane from the wall of a cavity over an organ and back to the wall.细胞膜折叠:细胞膜从器官的腔壁到器官上再折回腔壁的褶皱The folds so made.细胞膜皱褶:这样形成的皱褶reflec“tionaladj.(形容词)reflection(Brit also reflexion)/ri’flekFn; ri’flekFEn/ ---------- 1 ---------- (a) reflecting or being reflected 反映; 反射; 表现; 沉思: * heat transmitted by reflection 由反射传导的热. (b) thing reflected, esp an image in a mirror, still water, etc 被反映或反射之物; (尤指镜中、 静水等中的)映像: * see one’s reflection in a polished table-top 在光亮的桌面上看见自己的映像* the reflection of the trees in the lake 湖面映出的树的倒影* (fig 比喻) be a pale reflection of one’s former self, eg after an illness 与自己以前相比, 面容憔悴(如病后). ---------- 2 ---------- (fig 比喻) thing reflecting the nature of eg a person, task, etc 可反映人、 任务等的本质的事物: * Your clothes are a reflection of your personality.一个人的衣着可反映出其个性. ---------- 3 ---------- (a) thought or memory of past events; consideration 沉思; 回忆; 思考: * lost in reflection 陷入沉思中* act without sufficient reflection 未经深思即采取行动* A moment’s reflection will show you are wrong. 只要略加考虑就可看出你错了. (b) ~ (on sth) (often pl 常作复数) (spoken or written expression of an) idea arising from this 经沉思而产生的想法(表达出的语言或文字): * idle reflections on the past 回忆往事的遐想* publish one’s reflections on sexism 发表对性别歧视的看法. ---------- 4 ---------- (idm 习语) be a (bad/poor/adverse) reflection on sb/sth harm the good reputation of sb/sth; imply blame or criticism of sb/sth 损害某人的名声; 暗含责难或批评: * Your remarks are a reflection on me/my character. 你的话是对我的污辱.* This mess is a (poor) reflection on her competence. 这种混乱情况说明她难当此任. on reflection after reconsidering (sth) 再经考虑: * On further reflection, I saw that she might be right, after all. 我再一考虑, 反倒觉得可能还是她对.* She decided, on reflection, to accept the offer. 她重新考虑后, 决定接受那个建议.


reflectvt.& vi.反射(光、热、声或影像); 考虑; vt.反射,反照; 表达; 显示; 折转; vi.反射; 映出; 深思熟虑; 慎重表达; 第三人称单数:reflects现在分词:reflecting过去式:reflected过去分词:reflected名词reflectionSurfaces that cause the light to reflect and refract导致光线发生反射和折射的表面




reflecting美 adj. 反射的;沉思的v. 反射;表明;考虑(reflect的ing形式)So now, you have both spent some time apart reflecting on the argument.所以现在你们需要彼此分开并花些时间在争论上反思。


reflect 英 vt. 反射(光、热、声或影像) 考虑; vt. 反射,反照; 表达; 显示; 折转; vi. 反射; 映出; 深思熟虑; 慎重表达; Surfaces that cause the light to reflect and refract导致光线发生反射和折射的表面 第三人称单数:reflects 现在分词:reflecting 过去式:reflected过去分词:reflected 形近词: anteflect deflect inflect

关键词: 反射
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