- 卧薪尝胆翻译最短的
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- 卧薪尝胆用英语怎么讲
- 吃苦耐劳,能吃苦 用英语怎么说
卧薪尝胆:英文翻译- sleep on the brushwood :He endured hardships to plan retaliation卧薪尝胆:中文译文越王勾践被围困在会稽山中,他长叹道:“我在这里完了吗?”文种说:“商场曾被关押在夏台,周文王曾被囚禁在是里,晋文公重斗(曾遭搀言)出奔翟国,齐桓公小白避乱到苔国,他们最终建立了霸业,由此看来,(忧患)为什么就不能转化为福呢?”天王赦免越王后,越王勾践返回国土,于是亲身经历痛苦,深深地反思,把苦胆放在座位旁,坐处卧处抬头就看到苦胆,吃饭也尝苦胆,常自语:“你忘了会稽失败的耻辱了吗?”他亲自去耕种,他夫人亲自织布,吃饭不放肉,不穿有两种以上文彩的衣服,放下身架礼待贤士,厚待宾客,救济贫穷的人家,慰问死者的家人,与百姓一样劳苦。
trials and hardships_翻译 trials and hardships 风雨; After nearly 200 years of trials and hardships, the juristically act of real right theory is still glow with youthful vitality, it shows the tenacious vitality. 在经历了近200年的风雨洗礼之后,物权行为理论依然焕发着青春的活力,可见其生命力之顽强。
好事多磨the road to happiness full of hardships好事多磨The course of true love nerver runs smooth
卧薪尝胆 the leek; (For days) I have lain, as it were, upon thorns, and my mouth filled with gall.; 他卧薪尝胆,图谋报复。He endured hardships to plan retaliation.
吃苦耐劳,能吃苦 用英语怎么说
吃苦耐劳 bear/endure hardships and hard work能吃苦 suffer hardships或have a rough time 或bear/endure hardships