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rebellion(叛逆英语怎么说 ,缩写是什么英语的意思是什么)

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核心提示:本文目录叛逆英语怎么说 ,缩写是什么英语的意思是什么rebellious 、 rebellion ;drawer 这英语怎么读阿rebellion 这个英语单词


  • 叛逆英语怎么说 ,缩写是什么英语的意思是什么
  • rebellious 、 rebellion ;drawer 这英语怎么读阿
  • rebellion 这个英语单词怎么读!
  • Rebellion的英文歌词
  • Rebelion 什么意思
  • rebellion是什么意思
  • Britney Spears的《Rebellion》 歌词
  • Rebellion 的中英文歌词

叛逆英语怎么说 ,缩写是什么英语的意思是什么

rebel英 n. 反政府的人;反叛者;造反者;叛逆者 adj. 反抗的;造反的 vi. 反抗政府;反抗权威 反叛; 造反; 造反者; 反抗者 复数:rebels 过去式:rebelled 过去分词:rebelled 现在分词:rebelling 第三人称单数:rebels rebellion英 n. 造反,叛乱;反抗 举事; 片; 叛乱; 反抗 复数:rebellions rebellion名词 n.1.对政府的(尤指武装)反抗; 造反; (对权威的)反抗, 不服从 The next year they rose up in rebellion.第二年他们就揭竿起义了。2.背叛行为, 谋反, 叛乱, 反叛 The next year they rose up in rebellion.第二年他们就揭竿起义了。3.不顺从;叛逆rebellious英 adj. 反叛的;造反的;难控制的 桀骜不驯; 造反; 反抗的; 难控制的 形容词 adj.1.反叛的, 难控制的 The tribesmen were as rebellious as ever.这个部落仍旧有反叛的倾向。

rebellious 、 rebellion ;drawer 这英语怎么读阿

rebellious 谐音:瑞白列斯 rebellion 谐音:瑞白琳drawer 谐音:卓尔

rebellion 这个英语单词怎么读!

rebellion 英 /rɪ’beljən/谐音“瑞宝李英”

  • n. 叛乱;反抗;谋反;不服从

In their rebellion, they do not want His rules. 



linkin Park - Rebellioni’ve seen the bloodi’ve seen the brokenthe lost and the sights unseeni want a floodi want an oceanto wash my confusion cleani can’t resolve this empty storyi can’t repairthe damage donewe are the fortunate oneswho’ve never faced oppression’s gunwe are the fortunate onesi mitations of rebellionwe acted outwe wear the colorsconfined by the things we ownwe’re not withoutwe’re like each otherpretending we’re here aloneand far away they burn their buildingsright in the face ofthe damage donewe are the fortunate oneswho’ve never faced oppression’s gunwe are the fortunate onesimitations of rebellionRebellionRebellionRebellionRebellion!Rebellion!Wo Lost!Before!The Start!Rebellion!Rebellion!One By One!We Fall!Apart!We Fall Apart!We Fall Apart!We Fall Apart!we are the fortunate oneswho’ve never faced oppression’s gunwe are the fortunate onesimitations ofimitations ofwe are the fortunate oneswho’ve never faced oppression’s gunwe are the fortunate onesimitations of rebellionRebellionRebellionRebellion

Rebelion 什么意思

你是不是写错了啊?是不是rebellion:noun an act of violent or open resistance to an established government or ruler 反叛,造反;叛乱 the authorities put down a rebellion by landless colonials. 当局镇压了殖民地无地居民发动的一次叛乱活动。 Simon de Montfort rose in rebellion. 西蒙•德•蒙福特起来造反。 ■the action or process of resisting authority, control, or convention 反抗,反对;公开蔑视 an act of teenage rebellion. 青少年的反抗行为。 ————摘自《新牛津英汉双解大词典》


rebellion 英 n. 反抗; 造反,叛乱; The British soon put down the rebellion.英国人很快平息了叛乱。 复数:rebellions

Britney Spears的《Rebellion》 歌词

歌曲名:Rebellion歌手:Britney Spears专辑:brand new brit (deluxe edition)RebellionBe wary of othersThe ones closest to you (oh)The poison they feed youAnd the voodoo that they doBut in rebellionThere’s a sparkle of truthDon’t just stand thereDo what you got to doYou’ll find it in rebellionYou’ll finally start breathingThey’re not believing what they’re seeing’Cause you’re rebellionYou’ll find it so compellingWith everyone yelling’Cause your soul, you’re not selling’Cause you’re rebellionBe wary of othersThe ones closest to you (oh)The poison they feed youAnd the voodoo that they doBut in rebellionThere’s a sparkle of truthDon’t just stand thereDo what you got to doYou’ll find it in rebellionYou’ll finally start breathingThey’re not believing what they’re seeing’Cause you’re rebellionYou’ll find it so compellingWith everyone yelling’Cause your soul, you’re not selling’Cause you’re rebellionBe wary of othersThe ones closest to you (oh)The poison they feed youAnd the voodoo that they doBut in rebellionThere’s a sparkle of truthDon’t just stand thereDo what you got to doYou’ll find it in rebellionYou’ll finally start breathingThey’re not believing what they’re seeing’Cause you’re rebellionYou’ll find it so compellingWith everyone yelling’Cause your soul, you’re not selling’Cause you’re rebellionBe wary of othersThe ones closest to you (oh)The poison they feed youAnd the voodoo that they doBut in rebellionThere’s a sparkle of truthDon’t just stand thereDo what you got to doYou’ll find it in rebellionYou’ll finally start breathingThey’re not believing what they’re seeing’Cause you’re rebellionYou’ll find it so compellingWith everyone yelling’Cause your soul, you’re not selling’Cause you’re rebellionhttp://music.baidu.com/song/28382540

Rebellion 的中英文歌词

I’ve seen the blood, I’ve seen the broken我见过鲜血 也见过破碎的心The lost and the sights unseen遗失的,未被人窥探的风景I want a flood, I want an ocean我希望能有一场洪水我希望能有一片海洋To wash my confusion clean将我的困惑洗净I can’t resolve this empty story我无法决定这空虚的故事I can’t repair the damage done我不能弥补已经造成的伤害We are the fortunate ones我们是幸运的Who’ve never faced oppression’s gun从来没有面对过枪口的压迫We are the fortunate ones我们是幸运的Imitations of rebellion模仿着一场反抗We acted out, we wear the colors我们行动 我们穿上同种颜色Confined by the things we own受限于我们不愿放手的We’re not without, we’re like each other我们并不是什么都没有 我们心中有着对方Pretending we’re here alone我们假装孤独地在这儿And far away they burn their buildings远远地就烧了他们的房子Right in the face of the damage done正确地面对遭受的伤害We are the fortunate ones我们是幸运的Who’ve never faced oppression’s gun从来没有面对过枪口的压迫We are the fortunate ones我们是幸运的Imitations of rebellion模仿着一场反抗RebellionRebellionRebellionRebellion!Rebellion!反抗!!!We lost before the start!在开始前我们就已迷失Rebellion!Rebellion!反抗!!!One by one we fall apart!我们一个个地倒下!We fall apart!We fall apart!We fall apart!我们倒下了!!We are the fortunate ones我们是幸运的Who’ve never faced oppression’s gun从来没有面对过枪口的压迫We are the fortunate ones我们是幸运的Imitations of rebellion模仿着一场反抗We are the fortunate ones我们是幸运的Who’ve never faced oppression’s gun从来没有面对过枪口的压迫We are the fortunate ones我们是幸运的Imitations of rebellion模仿着一场反抗RebellionRebellionRebellion!反抗!!!同爱LP!)

关键词: 叛乱
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