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beachfront(有关巴厘岛介绍 要英文的)

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核心提示:本文目录有关巴厘岛介绍要英文的waterfront 和 beachfront有何区别马尔代夫酒店各个房型的介绍和区别beach、beachfront和seaside


  • 有关巴厘岛介绍 要英文的
  • waterfront 和 beachfront 有何区别
  • 马尔代夫酒店各个房型的介绍和区别
  • beach、beachfront和seaside有什么区别
  • beachfront deluxe是什么意思
  • 长滩岛在什么地方
  • 别墅用英语怎么说

有关巴厘岛介绍 要英文的

巴厘岛(Bali)是印度尼西亚岛屿,位于小巽他群岛西端,大致呈菱形,主轴为东西走向。面积约5623平方千米,人口约247 万。地势东高西低,山脉横贯,有10余座火山锥,东部的阿贡火山海拔3140米,是全岛最高峰。日照充足,大部分地区年降水量约1500毫米,干季约6 个月。经济发达,人口密度仅次于爪哇,居全国第二位。居民主要是巴厘人,信奉印度教,以庙宇建筑、雕刻、绘画、音乐、纺织、歌舞和风景闻名于世。为世界旅游胜地之一。土地垦殖率65%以上,出产稻米、玉米、木薯、椰子、咖啡、烟叶、花生、甘蓝、洋葱、水果与棕油等。牛、咖啡与椰干为主要出口产品。巴厘岛东侧的龙目海峡是亚澳两大陆一部分典型动物的分界线,在生物学上有特殊意义。 巴厘岛还是印度尼西亚著名的旅游区,是爪哇以东小巽他群岛中的一个岛屿,面积约5560多平方公里,人口约280万。巴厘西距首都雅加达约1千多公里,与首都雅加达所在的爪哇岛隔海相望,相距仅1.6公里。 该岛由于地处热带,且受海洋的影响,气候温和多雨,土壤十分肥沃,四季绿水青山,万花烂漫,林木参天。巴厘人生性爱花,处处用花来装饰,因此,该岛有“花之岛”之称,并享有“南海乐园”、“神仙岛”的美誉。岛上大部分为山地,全岛山脉纵横,地势东高西低,有四、五座锥形完整的火山峰,其中阿贡火山(巴厘峰)海拔3142米,是岛上的最高点,附近有曾于963年喷发过的巴都尔活火山。岛上沙努尔、努沙·杜尔和库达等处的海滩,是该岛景色最美的海滨浴场,这里沙细滩阔、海水湛蓝清澈。每年来此游览的各国游客络绎不绝。 巴厘岛印度教神庙中的木刻雕像 巴厘岛因历史上受印度文化宗教的影响,居民大都信奉印度教,是印尼唯一信仰印度教的地方。但这里的印度教同印度本土上的印度教不大相同,是印度教的教义和巴厘岛风俗习惯的结合,称为巴厘印度教。居民主要供奉三大天神(梵天、毗湿奴、湿婆神)和佛教的释迦牟尼,还祭拜太阳神、水神、火神、风神等。教徒家里都设有家庙,家族组成的社区有神庙,村有村庙,全岛有庙宇125000多座,因此,该岛又有“千寺之岛”之美称。神庙中最为著名的当属拥有千年历史的百沙基陵庙,陵庙建在称为“世界的肚脐”的阿贡火山山坡上,以专祀这座间歇喷发的火山之神。陵庙的层级石雕建筑,与柬埔寨吴哥窟相似。Bali (Bali) of the Indonesian islands, located on the western end of the Sunda Islands, roughly a diamond, for the east-west axis direction. An area of about 5623 square km and a population of about 2.47 million. East West lying low, traversing mountains, at more than 10 volcanic cones, the eastern part of the Argonne volcano 3,140 meters above sea level, is the peak of the island. Abundant sunshine, rainfall in most parts of about 1500 mm, the dry season about six months. Economic development, population density second only to Java, the second in the nation. Bali is mainly residents, Hindu, temple architecture, sculpture, painting, music, textiles, songs, dances, and the world-famous scenery. One of the world’s tourist destination. Land reclamation rate of more than 65%, producing rice, corn, cassava, coconut, coffee, tobacco, peanuts, cabbage, onion, such as fruit and palm oil. Cattle, coffee and copra as the main export product. Bali east of Lombok Strait is part of mainland Asia and Macao two typical line of animals in a special biological significance. Bali is Indonesia’s famous tourist area, the small east Java in the Sunda Islands, is an island with an area of about more than 5560 km2, a population of about 2.8 million. West of Jakarta, the capital of Bali, about more than 1000 km, with the capital of Jakarta where the Java island across the sea, only 1.6 km away from. Since the island is located in the tropics, and the impact of the oceans, climate moderate rainfall, soil is very fertile, Four Seasons Green Love, artless million flowers, towering trees. Bali sex life of flowers, everywhere decorated with flowers, therefore, the island is “Flower Island“, and enjoy “the South China Sea Paradise“, “Fairy Island“ reputation. Most of the island is mountainous, island mountain horizon, the low-lying East West, four, five integrity of the volcanic cone peak, Argonne volcano (Bali) The 3142 m above sea level, is the island’s highest point, near eruption in 963 years has been Batur volcano. Shanaoer island, and the Naoshaduer of other places, the beaches, the island is the most beautiful scenery of the beach, where fine sand beach width, the clear blue water. This tour each year to visitors from the States. Bali Hindu temple in Bali because of the wooden statue of the history of India, cultural and religious implications, the residents mostly Hindu, Indonesia is the only local Hindu beliefs. But here the local Hindu India with the Hindu not the same as the Hindu doctrines and customs of the combination of Bali, known as the Hindu Bali. Residents of the three main worship God (Fantian, Visnu, the god Shiva) and Buddhism Sakyamuni, also worship the sun god, the god of water, Vulcan, such as the winds. Jiamiao Catholics have a home, family composition of the communities temple in the village of the village temple, a temple in the island at more than 125,000, therefore, the island called the “Temple of the Island 1000“ reputation. Parthenon, the most famous was the ownership of the Millennium history Besakih temple Tomb, Tombs built in the temple known as “the world’s navel“ Argonne volcanic slopes, to the worship of this intermittent eruption of the volcano god. Mausoleum of the level of stone temple architecture, similar to Angkor and Cambodia.

waterfront 和 beachfront 有何区别

waterfront 指所有的海河湖沿岸的街道土地。 beachfront 应该只是海河湖滩边那块地。 Hong Kong is famous for its waterfront view. 香港以港口的夜景闻名 。 waterfront 水滨 lakefront 湖滨 beachfront 海滨


1.沙滩房 优势:离沙滩近,便于漫步海滩、浮潜、垂钓等各种娱乐活动的开展。价格相对大众化。 推荐人群:对住宿没有太大要求,预算有限的朋友。2.水上屋 优势:房屋筑于水上,有别样风情,便于浮潜。有较好的私密性。 推荐人群:新婚蜜月夫妻 对房屋有一定要求,预算充足,追求时尚的游客朋友。3.水上别墅 优势:私密性较高 外观设计时尚新颖,有较大空间,独立泳池,可自在享受独立时光。 推荐人群:对住宿条件要求较高,注重享受,且预算充足的朋友。


seaside多指修养或游玩的海滨胜地 shore是紧靠海、湖或者大水流的陆地的一般beach和shore最难分辨了,两者都有指沙石,beach还指涨潮时或落潮时过水的

beachfront deluxe是什么意思

beachfront deluxe海滨豪华如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!


长滩岛(Boracay)位于菲律宾阿尔坎省, 这个曾被誉为世界七大美丽沙滩之一的岛屿,整座岛为狭长型。从1970年末开发至今,依然是东南亚地区深具吸引力的渡假胜地。每到旺季,渴望阳光碧海的游客从全球各地不辞辛劳地涌来,享受一个充满惊奇与欢乐的休闲假期。 长滩岛被誉为世界最好的海滩之一。休闲处和酒吧把长滩岛变为社交集会的地方,同时细如粉末的细沙和清澈碧蓝的海水,仍然使它成为欢渡周末的好去处。它又是一个勇于尝试新鲜事的岛屿,在那里,你可以参加数不尽的活动,例如水上运动、讨价还价的购物、打高尔夫球,以及从一个小岛到另一个小岛的跨岛游。放松你自己,在海滩进行一次舒筋活络的按摩。这个岛从来没有缺乏过按摩师在海滩旁提供按摩服务。长滩岛上两个主要的观光海滩“白色海滩”(White Beach)和“布拉波海滩”(Bulabog Beach)坐落于岛上与最窄的中间部份相反的两端。白色海滩面向西方而布拉波海滩则朝向东方。岛上也有其他的海滩。“白色海滩”是最主要的观光海滩。海滩长约四公里,海滩边尚有许多度假村、饭店、度假套房、餐厅和其他的观光设施。在海滩的中间,约两公里处,有一条“海滩小径”(Beachfront Path)将海滩分成南北两侧,海滩小径与长滩岛上主要的车辆用道路连结。在白色海滩的北侧末端,有一条步道与丁尼维德海滩(Diniwid Beach)相连。“布拉波海滩”则与白色海滩遥遥相隔于长滩岛的另一边,是岛上第二大的观光沙滩,也是滑浪风帆和拖曳伞运动的主要场地。




n. 别墅;郊区住宅


1、Villa Torlonia 托洛尼亚别墅

2、beachfront villa 沙滩别墅 

3、Holiday Villa 度假别墅 


1、The villa is famous for its old style.


2、My parents conferred with me on purchasing the villa.


3、He rented a villa by the beach for three weeks.





释义:n. (法国封建时代的)城堡;(尤指法国的)别墅

例句:I followed him to this island chateau where he’s holding a party. 


2、近义词组:country seat


例句:He was instantly proceeding to his country seat . 


关键词: 海滩
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