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focused是什么意思(focused on和 focus on的区别是什么)

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2024-07-09 04:30:51  作者:[db:新闻资讯作者]  浏览次数:23
核心提示:本文目录focused on和 focus on的区别是什么mission-focused是什么意思focused什么意思中文focuse这个单词什么意思音标focus什么


  • focused on和 focus on的区别是什么
  • mission-focused是什么意思
  • focused什么意思中文
  • focuse这个单词什么意思音标
  • focus什么意思中文
  • with his eyes focused on中为什么要用focused,而不是用focusing
  • 在安卓中isfocused是什么意思

focused on和 focus on的区别是什么


1、focused on中focused是ed形容词,必须与be动词一起连起来用。

2、focus on中focus是动词,在句子中可以单独做谓语。


1、focused on是一般过去时态,也可以由be动词决定,be动词的时态决定句子的时态。

2、focus on是一般现在时态。


1、be focused on的实施者是人,但是主语一般是attention。即sth be focused on...。

例如:From this point forward his attention would be focused on Syria。


2、focus on 实施者是人。

例如:They focus on overt discrimination rather than insidious aspects of racism。




focused读法 英  

adj. 专注的,目标明确的;(声音或图像)清晰的

v. 集中,关注;聚焦,调焦;《语言学》以(句子的一部分)为焦点(或重心)(focus 的过去式和过去分词形式)


Stay Focused 保持专注 ; 专心致志 ; 持续专注

focused attention 注意力 ; 中注意 ; 聚焦注意

focused ultrasound 超声聚焦治疗 ; 聚焦治疗




3、focus on sth表示“集中于某事”。focus作“中心,焦点”的解释时,用词范围很广,常被滥用,需注意。


focused 英 adj. 注意力集中的; 目标明确的; v. 集中(注意力、精力等于); (使) 调节焦距; 集中(光束于); 聚焦(于); focus的过去分词和过去式; I spent the next year just wandering. I wasn’t focused接下来的一年我一直在闲逛。没有什么明确的目标。 原型: focus


focusn.(兴趣活动等的)中心, 焦点, 焦距, (地震的)震源vi.聚焦, 注视vt.使集中在焦点上, 定焦点, 调焦, 集中FOCUS=Forum of Control Users 控制数据公司用户论坛focusfo.cusAHD: D.J.K.K.n.(名词)【复数】 fo.cus.es或 fo.ci A point at which rays of light or other radiation converge or from which they appear to diverge, as after refraction or reflection in an optical system:焦点:几条光线或其他射线相交的一点,或在一个光学系统中经折射或反射后呈发散状的光线的出发点:the focus of a lens.Also called focal point 透镜的焦点也作 focal pointSee focal length 参见 focal lengthThe distinctness or clarity of an image rendered by an optical system.影象的清晰度:因使用光学调节系统而形成的分明的或清晰的图象The state of maximum distinctness or clarity of such an image:最大清晰度:此种图象最好的区分或清晰状态:in focus; out of focus.清晰;不清晰An apparatus used to adjust the focal length of an optical system in order to make an image distinct or clear:对焦仪器:为使其图象明显或清晰用于调节光学系统焦距的仪器:a camera with automatic focus.自动对焦的照相机A center of interest or activity.See Synonyms at center 中心:兴趣或活动的中心参见 centerClose or narrow attention; concentration:密切或严密的注意;集中:“He was forever taken aback by pervasive atmosphere of purposefulness—the tight focus of its drivers, the brisk intensity of its pedestrians” (Anne Tyler)“他久久地惊诧于〔纽约〕 所弥漫的那种目的性很强的气氛——司机们的高度集中以及行人的步伐紧凑快速” (安妮·泰勒)A condition in which something can be clearly apprehended or perceived:可清楚明白的状况:某事物可被清晰理解或感觉的状况:couldn’t get the problem into focus.不能很清楚地理解这个问题Pathology The region of a localized bodily infection or disease.【病理学】 病症:疾病集中或感染的主要部位Geology The point of origin of an earthquake.【地质学】 震中:地震的发源地Mathematics A fixed point whose relationship with a directrix determines a conic section.【数学】 焦点:一个与准线的关系决定圆锥形状的定点v.(动词)fo.cused或 fo.cussed fo.cus.ing或 fo.cus.sing fo.cus.es或 fo.cus.sesv.tr.(及物动词)To cause (light rays, for example) to converge on or toward a central point; concentrate.使集中,使聚合:使(如光线)集中在一中心点或向中心点集中;集中To render (an object or image) in clear outline or sharp detail by adjustment of one’s vision or an optical device; bring into focus.使集中于焦点:通过调节视力或光学仪器使(一物体或图象)外缘清晰或细节分明;调焦To adjust (a lens, for example) to produce a clear image.调焦:调整(如透镜)而得到清晰图象To direct toward a particular point or purpose:集中:导向一特定点或目的:focused all their attention on finding a solution to the problem.集中全部注意力寻找解决问题的办法v.intr.(不及物动词)To converge on or toward a central point of focus; be focused.集中于焦点:在中心焦点或向中心焦点集中;被集聚To adjust one’s vision or an optical device so as to render a clear, distinct image.调焦:调整视力或光学仪器以使图象鲜明清晰To concentrate attention or energy:集中:集中注意力或能力:a campaign that focused on economic issues.一次集中解决经济问题的运动Latin 拉丁语 fo“cusern.(名词)focusn.-cuses 或 -ci中心点焦点中心,集中点to be a focus of attention成为注意力的中心“Because of his strange clothes, he immediately became the focus of attention when he entered the office.““他由于服装奇特,一走进办公室便成了大家注意的中心。“in focus焦点对准,清晰out of focus焦点没有对准,模糊focusvt., vi.-s- 或 -ss-使集中于焦点;集中to focus one’s mind on work集中精力于工作You must try to focus your mind on work and study. (喻)你应该努力把思想集中在工作的学习上。All eyes were focused on the speaker. (喻)大家的目光都集中在发言人身上。调焦距This photograph looks funny; I think you forgot to focus the camera.“这张照片看上去有些滑稽,我想你是忘了给照相机调焦距了。“



n. 焦点;焦距;中心

v. (使)集中;聚集


双语例句:He always wants to be the focus of attention.





v. 专心;集中;浓缩

n. 浓缩物

I can’t concentrate on my work when I’m tired.



n. 中心;集中点

v. 居中;使集中


Their talks always center around politics.


with his eyes focused on中为什么要用focused,而不是用focusing

此题考察 :with 的复合结构。简析如下:with + 名词+ done / to do / doing ,经常在句中作状语。接过去分词时,和前面的名词是动宾关系,从逻辑上理解,即 do +名词(作宾语);或理解为 名词 被...... 常规句子:He focused his eyes on the newspaper. (主动语态)你的例子中,He sat still , with his eyes focused on the newspaper. 其他情况补充如下:He paid a visit to the school, with some people accompying him . He worried a lot with lots of work to do .


is focused聚焦focused 英 adj. 聚焦的; v. (使) 集中, (使)聚集( focus的过去式和过去分词 ); 调整(镜头,眼睛)焦点以便看清; (光、声等的) 焦点; 集中(光束于); I spent the next year just wandering. I wasn’t focused.接下来的一年我一直在闲逛。没有什么明确的目标。 形近词: fucuses focuser fucusod

关键词: 焦点
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