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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2025-01-24 11:33:53  作者:[db:新闻资讯作者]  浏览次数:20


  • implant是什么意思及反义词
  • 公司职员IMPLANT什么意思
  • 求齿科修复方面的英语
  • “牙套”的英文是
  • 什么是人工耳蜗
  • 离子注入implant 后为什么要asher 半导体技术天地
  • inplant什么意思


implant n. 移植物, 植入管v. 深植, 嵌入, 灌输; 被移植


驻厂的意思。如:Customer Service Clerk, implant 就是 驻厂客服 的意思。 驻厂是长期的,但是出差有出差补贴的。


Dental Veneer 牙齿镶嵌 Dental crowns 镶牙 Teeth Bleaching 外形修整 porcelanin-fused-to-metal prosthesis 金属烤瓷修复体 chin augmentation 隆颏术 Dental bridges 牙桥 Periodontics 牙周病学 Oral Maxillofacial Surgery 口腔颌面外科 Prosthodontics 口腔修复学 高位微笑 high smile微笑时显露100%的上前牙与部分牙龈。 低位微笑 low smile微笑时上前牙面积显露小于75%. 中位微笑 median smile微笑时上前牙面积显露在75%~100%之间,少见牙龈乳头。 Prophylaxis 洗牙 (usually just say prophy) deep clean 龈下刮治 (deeper than prophy, sometimes need 局麻) local/general anesthesia 局/全麻 gingivatis 牙龈炎 (need to improve oral hygiene, deep clean helps) tartar 牙石 dental hygienist 洗牙师 (do the above thing) cavity 龋齿 root canal therapy (RCT)根管治疗 (very bad cavity, need to kill the nerve) crown 牙套 (often needed after RCT to prevent tooth from falling apart) filling 补料 (resin/composite树脂-tooth color, mercury汞-black but 耐磨) endodontist 内科牙医 (do the above thing) denture 假牙 veneer 贴面 (usually for cosmetis purpuse, like for 四环素牙) prosthodontics 镶牙牙医 general dentist 全科牙医 (do all things, but difficult one refer to specialist1) implant 种植牙 (plant a denture in the jaw bone) oral surgeon 外科牙医 (拔牙, 尤其难拔的智齿, implant)


牙套:crownoften needed after RCT to prevent tooth from falling apartPS:Dental terminology 牙科术语洗牙 Prophylaxis usually just say prophy龈下刮治 deep clean, (deeper than prophy, sometimes need 局麻)局/全麻 local/general anesthesia 牙龈炎 Gingivitis, (need to improve oral hygiene, deep clean helps)牙石 tartar洗牙师 dental hygienist (do the above thing)龋齿 cavity 根管治疗 root canal therapy (RCT) (very bad cavity, need to kill the nerve)牙套 crown (often needed after RCT to prevent tooth from falling apart) 试排牙 setup teeth腊堤 wax rim软夜间保护器 Soft nightguard硬夜间保护器 Hard nightguard漂白盘 Bleaching tray补料 Filling (resin/composite树脂-tooth color, mercury汞-black but 耐磨)内科牙医 endodontist(do the root canal)假牙 denture 贴面 veneer (usually for cosmetis purpuse, like for 四环素牙)镶牙牙医 Prosthodontics全科牙医 general dentist (do all things, but difficult one refers to specialist)种植牙 implant (plant a denture in the jaw bone)外科牙医 (拔牙, 尤其难拔的智齿, implant) oral surgeon 儿科牙医 pedodontist 犬齿(虎牙) canine 臼齿 molar 门牙 incisor 正畸牙医 (整牙) orthodontist 正畸器械 Orthodontic AppliancesFixed1. 烤瓷熔附非贵金属全冠(Porcelain fused to non-precious metal crown)2. 烤瓷熔附半贵金属全冠(Porcelain fused to semi-precious metal crown)3. 烤瓷熔附贵金属全冠(Porcelain fused to gold crown)4. 瓷全冠(Porcelain full crown)4. 铸造陶瓷冠(cast ceramic crown)5. 铸造全冠(cast full crown)6. 非贵金属全冠(non-precious metal full crown)7. 金全冠(gold full crown)8. 非贵金属嵌体/高嵌体(non-precious metal inlay/onlay)9. 半贵金属嵌体/高嵌体(semi-precious metal inlay/onlay)10. 金嵌体/高嵌体(gold inlay/onlay)11. 马里兰桥Maryland Bridge12. Alabama Bridge13. Andrews Bridge14. 附加桥体(additional pontic)15. 附加翼板(additional wing)16. 桩和核(Post & Core)17. 金桩和核(Gold Post Core)18. 瓷唇缘(Porcelain labial margin)19. 瓷贴面(Porcelain Facing)20. 肩台瓷(Porcelain shoulder)Removable1. 全口树脂义齿(Full acryline denture or full resin denture)2. 隐形义齿或铸造热塑局部义齿(Valplast Partials or Cast Thermoplastic Partials)3. 整铸基托(钴铬合金)(Co-Cr alloy cast base for full denture)4. 整铸基托(钛合金)(Ti alloy cast base for full denture)5. 钴铬合金支架(5-5)(Co-Cr alloy framework 5-5)6. 钴铬合金支架(7-7)(Co-Cr alloy framework 7-7)7. 钛合金支架(5-5)(Ti alloy framework 5-5)8. 钛合金支架(7-7)(Ti alloy framework 7-7)9. 高强度树脂基托(High intensity resin base)



离子注入implant 后为什么要asher 半导体技术天地

离子注入后退火:加热注入硅片,修复晶格损伤,使杂质原子移动到晶格点,将其激活。 高温退火和快速热处理相比,快速热处理更优越。因为快速热处理可以避免长时间的高温导致杂质扩散,以及减小瞬间增强扩散。



关键词: 牙医
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