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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2024-06-29 07:46:46  作者:[db:新闻资讯作者]  浏览次数:17


  • fostered是什么意思
  • fostering是什么意思
  • 江南大学机械工程学院的英文简介:
  • 哪一位可以翻译出这几段
  • foster是什么意思
  • foster可不可以这么用:foster sb to do
  • 养育之恩英文怎么翻译
  • 【英语】【翻译】这句话语法对吗不应该是to foster或fostering吗
  • 100分!急需Fostering Motivation全文的译文


fostered是foster的过去分词foster美 v.扶植;抚育;鼓励;促进(发育)n.福斯特;【姓氏】福斯特;【男名】男子名养育;寄养过去分词:fostered 现在分词:fostering 第三人称单数:fosters


Fostering独立来用是指抚养,替人代养的意思。如:Foster family -寄养家庭Foster parents-养父母Foster children -养子女Foster care -抚养照料Fostering the ... -培育(某某)。。。


Founded in 1958, School of Mechanical Engineering(SME)has become one of the most promising schools in Jingnan University after 40 years development. SME consists of the Department of Basic Technology, Department of Electro-Mechanical Engineering, Department of Process Equipment and Control Engineering, Department of Packaging Engineering, Experiment Center, Research Center and Engineering Center.SME offers different levels of study programs, including 3 undergraduate programs ( Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Process Equipment and Control Engineering, Packaging Engineering), 3 graduate programs ( Mechanical Engineering, Packaging Engineering, Light Industry Technology and Engineering), 2 Ph.D programs ( Packaging Engineering, Light Industry Technology and Engineering), and 2 engineering-oriented graduate programs( Mechanical Engineering, Packaging Engineering). Among the higher institutions of China, SME first established the specialities and has gained great reputation on Light Industry Machine and Packaging Engineering.There are more than 90 faculty members in SME, of whom 4 are doctoral supervisors, more than 50 are professors and associate professors, more than 70% have Master’s or Doctoral degree, 3 are fostering objects of “333 program ” and “cyanine program” of Jiangsu Province, 4 are “academic leaders over centuries” of the province and ministry, 1 is “Taihu Lake Scholar”. SME has also nominated more than 10 domestic and foreign famous scholars and experts as part-time professors. At present, it has over 1800 full-time undergraduates and 200 graduates,and also accepts foreign students and visiting scholars.With more than 14,000m2 Lab area and a lot of advanced experimental equipments, SME encourages the establishment of innovation systems and the improvement of innovation ability to advance sustained, coordinated and stable development of scientific research. It has R&D centers such as the National Quality Supervising and Test Center for Light Industry Packaging Products, National Standardization Center for Light Industry Packaging, Key Lab of Food Packaging Techniques and Safety of China National Packaging Corporation, Wuxi Station of National Light Industry CAD Application Center and so on. In recent years, SME has obtained more than 20 research projects funded by national, ministerial or provincial government, and accomplished a lot of scientific research achievements,and won awards of national, ministerial or provincial level. SME has its own advantages in the fields of Modern Light Industry Mechanical Design, Surface Engineering and Technology, Modern Packaging Engineering, Special Machining Technology and so on.SME keeps to the belief that “Cultivating students is fundamental”, and emphasizes fostering students’ pioneering spirit and practical ability. All staff and students are making efforts to fulfill SME’s strategic goal of building a high-level teaching and research-based school with our own characteristic.学院领导:院党委党委书记:徐君平党委副书记:荆燕院行政院 长:卢立新副院长:武美萍副院长:李庆忠副院长:章军机构设置:院党委办公室党委秘书:华芒院行政办公室主任: 汪 洋行政秘书: 华振霞教学秘书: 林 红教学秘书: 沈 贤教学秘书: 张 琳教学秘书(研): 蒋慎珠资料员: 梁小庆学科、研究生工作助理: 化春键科研工作助理: 纪小刚分团委 书记: 蒋 艳06级辅导员: 蒋达峰06级辅导员: 蒋 艳07级辅导员: 魏建新08级辅导员: 胡 博专业系机械设计系 主 任: 李庆忠机械制造及自动化系 主 任: 吉卫喜机械电子工程系 主 任: 张秋菊(兼)包装工程系 主 任: 卢立新 (兼)过程装备与控制工程系 主 任: 张裕中材料成型与力学系 主 任: 袁根褔实验实训中心实习工厂 厂 长:卞建林国家轻工业包装制品质量监督检测中心/全国轻工业包装标准化中心主 任:张秋菊副主任: 卢立新(常务)陆佳平办公室: 主 任: 刘志刚秘 书: 蒋 静中国包装总公司食品包装技术与安全重点实验室主 任: 卢立新




foster英美v.培养; 促进; 抚育; 代养;adj.寄养的; 代养的;全部释义》》Japanese officials said that move was designed to foster greater communications between tokyo and beijing.日本官员说,此举的目的在于促进东京和北京之间更多的交流。更多例句》》过去式:fostered 现在分词:fostering 过去分词:fostered 第三人称单数:fosters易混淆单词: Foster

foster可不可以这么用:foster sb to do

应该不可以,vt.培养,促进vt.& vi.收养,养育第三人称单数:fosters过去式:fostered过去分词:fostered现在分词:fostering易混淆的单词:Foster


gratitude for the love and care ~ 采纳哦~获奖者感谢父母的养育之恩。The winner gave thanks to his parents for their fostering.

【英语】【翻译】这句话语法对吗不应该是to foster或fostering吗

本句正确。这是动词不定式作宾语。help后面的不定式作宾语,可以带to也可以不带to.即help (to) do sth.

100分!急需Fostering Motivation全文的译文


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