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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2025-01-24 16:48:07  作者:[db:新闻资讯作者]  浏览次数:33


  • 猥亵和性骚扰有什么区别
  • 热门单词:“性骚扰”用英文怎么说
  • 为什么字典上查不到harass和harassment
  • “烦恼”的英文是
  • harassment是什么意思
  • harassment什麽意思
  • power harassment是什么意思
  • “欢迎骚扰”英语谢谢
  • harrasment




Sexual harassment注:harassment 英 n. 袭扰; 骚扰,扰乱; 折磨人的东西; 烦恼,忧虑; The party has accused the police of harassment.




烦恼 vexationworriesupsetannoyanceagonyagonize更多相关:《worry》 《harass》 《pother》 《trouble》 《worriment》 《secularity》 《cark》 《agonise》 《suffer》 《bother about》 《harassment》 《fret and fume》 《worrit》 《fret》 《lust》 《vexing》 例句与用法:他因对宗教的疑惧而十分烦恼。 He was troubled by religious doubt.工作能减轻烦恼。 Work can allay trouble.他向朋友倾诉烦恼事。 He confided his troubles to his friend.为了把烦恼忘却,他让自己忙于花园的工作。 To forget his trouble, he busied himself in his garden .我听音乐,以便在烦恼时得到安慰。 I found solace from troubles in listening to music.她看到他非常高兴,顿时完全忘记了先前的烦恼。 Her happiness at seeing him submerged her former worries.他成为不和和烦恼的根源。 He’s been a source of discord and worry.我们做些什么才能减轻她的烦恼呢? What can we do to lessen her vexation?


harassmentn.骚扰,扰乱; 折磨人的东西; 烦恼,忧虑; 袭扰; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Harassment or intimidation by iranian security forces are common. 伊朗安全部队的骚扰和恫吓经常发生。 2.Engineer a situation where you can sue your wife’s company for harassment. 创造一个局面,让你能够以折磨为由起诉你妻子的公司。


harassment 解释:n. 烦扰的行为1. 经历十年性骚扰 SEXUAL HARASSMENT2. 拒绝性骚扰 REFUSE sexual harassment3. 聚焦“性骚扰”(英文) Focus on Sexual Harassment4. 性骚扰行为探讨 On Act of Sexual Harassment5. 性骚扰:女人可以说“不” Say ’No’to Sexual Harassment6. 办公室真假性骚扰 Sexal harassment in the offices7. 女性在工作中所遭到的性骚扰 Sexual harassment of women at work8. 使人烦恼的原因,使人恐惧的原因 A cause of annoyance or harassment.9. 性骚扰现象的法律思考 Legal Thinking on Sexual Harassment10. 他因性骚扰而被解职了。 He got canned for sexual harassment.11. 抑制通过骚扰(扰乱)来约束或征服 To constrain or overcome by harassment.12. 使人痛苦的东西骚扰,烦恼或痛苦的来源 A source of harassment,annoyance,or pain.13. 构成工作场所骚扰的形式有很多种。 Workplace harassment can take many forms.14. 美国性骚扰法律制度及其借鉴意义 US Sexual Harassment Law and Its Reference15. 折磨特别是关于动物范围。 harassment especially of a tethered animal.16. 女性从业人员如何防范性骚扰 How women employees avoid sexual harassment17. 基于歧视而发生的骚扰是违法的。 Harassment based on discrimination is illegal.18. 有时候,骚扰也可以是性骚扰行为。 Sometimes harassment can be of a sexual nature.19. (你怎么看待这件性骚扰事件?) What do you think of this sexual harassment case?20. 即使在“和平”时期,骚扰仍不断发生。 And the harassment continues still, even in “peace“21. 即使在“和平”时期,骚扰仍不断发生。 And the harassment continues still, even in “peace“22. 解释性骚扰。这只是西方的概念吗 Explain sexual harassment. Is it a Western concept?23. 工作场所性骚扰的法律研究 Legal research into sexual harassment in working site24. 性别歧视的一种表现形势是性骚扰。 One form of gender discrimination is sexual harassment.25. 我们的部门经理因性骚扰而被解职了。 Our department manager got canned for sexual harassment.26. 不允许任何岐视及骚扰。 Never tolerate discrimination or harassment of any kind.27. 工作场所骚扰行为可以影响你工作的好坏。 Workplace harassment can affect how well you do your job.28. 论性骚扰——性骚扰问题面面观 On sexual harassment——Diverse aspects of sexual harassment29. 在某些地方,骚扰少数民族的现象依旧司空见惯。 Harassment of minorities remains endemic in some quarters.30. 他尽可发表高见而不为秘密警察所干扰。 He was able to make his point without secret police harassment31. 他抱怨警察对他的不断侵扰。 He complain of police harassment or of harassment by the police.32. 兵灾,是因战争而造成的骚扰和灾害。 Disaster of war is the harassment and catastrophe caused by war.33. 但是要记住:在“提醒”和“骚扰”之间有一个非常细的界限。 But remember: There’s a fine line between reminders and harassment.34. 在正确著装和日常习惯上的骚扰变得愈有成效。 Harassment over proper dress and habits is increasingly persuasive.35. 预防与避免办公室性骚扰 Prevention and Avoidance of Office or Occupational Sexual Harassment36. 萝丝:这几乎构成性骚扰。你要我告你吗? Rose:That’s borderline sexual harassment. Do you want me to sue you?37. “如果加上我告你性骚扰你还有什么说的呢?” “Well, what do you say I throw in a little harassment charge to boot?38. 他忍受着敌人的折磨。 so great was his harassment that he wanted to destroy his tormentors.39. 性骚扰是指向他人发出不受欢迎的性信息。 Sexual harassment is defined as unwilling information sent to others.40. 性骚扰 molestation;Sexual harassment(or molestation;disturbance;interference)41. 性骚扰 molestation;Sexual harassment(or molestation;disturbance;interference)42. 问:男人对女人讲荤话算什么?答:性骚扰。 Q. What is it when a man talks dirty to a woman? A. Sexual harassment.43. 喜欢性骚扰的人,是我绝不能接受的客户。 8 I will not accept people who are into sexual harassment as my clients.44. 你有权利在没有性骚扰的自由环境中工作。 You have the right to work in an environment free from sexual harassment.45. 今天的报纸上有一篇关于办公室里的性骚扰的报道。 There is a report about a sexual harassment in the office on this newspaper46. 工作场所性骚扰的系统性防治——从组织的角度 Organizations’ Systematic Prevention of Sexual Harassment in Work Environment47. 禁止歧视、侮辱、侵害残疾人 that discrimination, insult and harassment against the disabled are prohibited48. 因为性骚扰和恐吓都会构成非法歧视. Because sexual harassment and intimidation constitute unlawful discrimination.49. 美国工作场所性骚扰雇主民事责任之研究 Civil Liabilities of the Employer for Sexual Harassment in Workplace in the USA50. 昨天在更衣间有没有遇到小麻烦?人们有没有向你谈起呢? Q. Harassment in the locker room yesterday? Were people talking about it to you?51. 梦露对自己少女时期经历的性骚扰耿耿于怀。 Monroe complains too about her early adolescent experiences of sexual harassment.52. 组织这些折磨事件的有技术的人,来自于高层。 The skill of the people who create these harassment incidents is astonishingly high.53. 彭妮:你知道,这种行为可以界定为性骚扰。 Miss Moneypenny:You know, this kind of behaviour could qualify as sexual harassment.54. 下文是这样的:“我们不为因性倾向导致的骚扰辩护; It went on to read: “ We hold no brief for harassment because of sexual orientation;55. 对于交换利益性骚扰,雇主应承担严格责任; For sexual harassment by promise of favors the employer should bear strict liability.56. 性骚扰是对个人生活极为严重的侵犯 In Sexual harassment is an exceptionally harmful infringement into the personal sphere.57. 有些性骚扰受害者觉得他们别无选择只好隐忍不言。 Some victims feel they have no alternative but to keep sexual harassment to themselves.58. 遇着大型戏院,他则会买下前后几行座位免受骚扰。 Whenever large cinemas, he will be bought before and after several seat from harassment.59. 你自身的行为不对性骚扰进行邀请或鼓励这一点是至关重要的。 It is important that your conduct and behavior not invite or encourage sexual harassment.60. 又有一个女人控告那个政客性骚扰!可是他又再次否认。 Another woman has accused the politician of sexual harassment! But he’s denying it again.61. 如果你的公司有性骚扰举报的申诉程序,你应当使用这一程序。 If your company has a grievance procedure for sexual harassment claims, you should use it.62. 研究发现,26至30岁男子最易成为电邮骚扰受害者。 Men aged 26 to 30 were most likely to be the victims of e-mail harassment, the study found.63. 对战斗力很强的力量进行破坏和骚扰的一种不规则的武装力量。 a member of an irregular armed force that fights a stronger force by sabotage and harassment.64. 如果你是性骚扰的受害者,你应当立即告知你的主管。 If you’ve been the victim of sexual harassment, you should immediately notify your supervisor.65. 当判断是否发生性骚扰时,所有这些都是被考虑的因素。 All circumstances are taken into consideration when deciding if sexual harassment has occurred.66. 性骚扰不需要重复或连续,可以仅涉及单一事件。 Sexual harassment does not need to be repeated or continuous, it can involve a single incident.67. 她还认为,缺乏规章制度是我们面临过多性骚扰的罪魁祸首。 She also thinks the absence of rules is to blame for the mess we are in over sexual harassment.68. 这种折磨随着时间慢慢演变成在4月的第一天搞恶作剧的传统。 This harassment evolved, over time, into a tradition of prank-playing on the first day of April.69. 信号是不可被屏蔽的。街道,邻里和在职的折磨也总是存在那的。 The signals are unshieldable. The street, neighbourhood, and at-work harassment is always there.70. 其他公共服务组和代办处是远程观测当地折磨组的一部分。 Other public service groups and agencies were part of the remotely viewed local harassment team.71. “我以为我是受公司的’反骚扰’政策保护的。 “ I thought I was protected from this kind of harassment by my company’s’ no harassment’ policy.72. 小狗:如果对我也那样搜身,我一定要控告你性骚扰,我是位女士。 Dog: If you search me like that, I will certainly sue you for sexual harassment. I am a lady dog.73. 不论在何时何地骚扰、非礼他人或有其它不端行为 “Harassment, impropriety or appearance of impropriety, or other misconduct on or off Company property“74. 敌对的婚姻,比如,当丈夫很有钱时,就会导致对前妻的残忍。 Hostile divorces where, say, the husband is wealthy, have resulted in brutal harassment of the ex-wife.75. 这种充满敌意氛围中的性骚扰无需直接指向你,但一定是有你在场而做出的。 Sexual harassment in a hostile environment need not be directed at you, but must be done in your presence.76. 从事诸如保护人权等工作的非政府组织面临着一个巨大烦恼。 Non-governmental organisations that concern themselves with subjects such as human rights face harassment.77. 最近,一系列女扰男案件在各大媒体频频爆光,引发了人们的关注和思考。 There are still reports of sexual harassment in the office. (see story on Page 5 of June 19’s 21st Century).78. 这一计谋是通过对我搞小动作来实现的,但他本人从来不愿亲自卷进去。 He had never been willing to engage personally in the petty harassment by which this strategy was implemented79. 根据美国平等就业委员会(EEOC)的规定,性骚扰的定义如下 According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, sexual harassment includes the following definitions80. 折磨 1.to torment; to afflict; to harass; to ill-treat; to torture; to grind down 2.harassment; sufferings; torments

power harassment是什么意思

power harassment:权力骚扰;职权骚扰 定义为:凭借自身地位、IT等专业知识以及人际关系等职场优势,超出正常业务范围给人造成精神和肉体痛苦或恶化职场环境的行为。



英文翻译:Welcome harassment.




n.    袭扰; 骚扰,扰乱; 折磨人的东西; 烦恼,忧虑;    

The party has accused the police of harassment.



这是典型的性骚扰。 不过最后一词拼写是:harassment

关键词: 性骚扰
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