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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2024-10-06 11:54:09  作者:[db:新闻资讯作者]  浏览次数:19
核心提示:本文目录cover的用法和意思英语cover有封面的意思吗covers,被子,但为什么很多时候都是用复数形式,比如He said from under the


  • cover的用法和意思
  • 英语cover有封面的意思吗
  • covers,被子,但为什么很多时候都是用复数形式,比如He said from under the covers.
  • cover的几种意思
  • 英文中的covers指的是什么呢 毯子被子被罩
  • cover的八种意思
  • cover是什么意思
  • cover的全部意思和用法
  • covers翻译


vt. 1. 覆盖, 遮盖2. 掩盖3. 控制, 支配4. 涉及, 包含5. 报道6. 走完7. 撒上,洒上,溅上(一层液体、尘土等)8. 足以支付;够付9. 占(一片面积)10. 报道;电视报道11. 代替,顶替,替补(某人工作或履行职责)12. 为免他人陷入麻烦而用谎话或借口)遮掩,敷衍13. 给…保险14. 采取行动(以使自己免遭责备) 15. 掩护16. 用枪瞄准(以致无人可逃跑或开枪)17. 翻唱(原来由另一乐队或歌手演唱的歌曲)18. 穿(衣),戴(帽),盖上(被子等)19. 使(自己)蒙受(耻辱等);给(自己)带来(荣誉等);得到,获得20. 弥补(损失等)21. 通过,走过(若干里),走完(一段路程)n. 1. 盖子, 套子, 覆盖物2. (书等的)封面、封皮3. 隐藏物, 躲避处4. 幌子, 伪装5. 掩蔽, 掩护6. (一副)餐具, 餐席(位)7. (保险公司的)保险8. (生长在一个地区的)树木植物,自然植被 9. (云层的)遮盖;(雪的)覆盖10. 床单;床罩;毯子;被子11. (对身分、感情或违法事情的)掩盖,掩饰12. 代替工作;代劳;替补 vi. 1. 代替(某人)及物动词 vt.1.覆盖, 遮盖 Snow covered the ground.雪覆盖了大地。2.掩盖 3.控制, 支配 The city covered ten square miles.这个城市面积有10平方英里。4.涉及, 包含 5.报道 6.走完 7.撒上,洒上,溅上(一层液体、尘土等) 8.足以支付;够付 9.占(一片面积) 10.报道;电视报道 11.代替,顶替,替补(某人工作或履行职责) 12.为免他人陷入麻烦而用谎话或借口)遮掩,敷衍 13.给…保险 14.采取行动(以使自己免遭责备) 15.掩护 16.用枪瞄准(以致无人可逃跑或开枪) 17.翻唱(原来由另一乐队或歌手演唱的歌曲) 18.穿(衣),戴(帽),盖上(被子等) She covered the baby up with a blanket.她用毯子把婴儿盖好。 19.使(自己)蒙受(耻辱等);给(自己)带来(荣誉等);得到,获得 He covered himself with honours at college.他在学院里获得多种荣誉。20.弥补(损失等) The price barely covers the cost.这种价格刚够抵上成本。21.通过,走过(若干里),走完(一段路程) They covered thirty-five kilometers yesterday.他们昨天走了35公里。名词 n.1.盖子, 套子, 覆盖物 A box usually has a cover.箱子通常都有盖子。2.(书等的)封面、封皮 The book needs a new cover.这本书需要装个新封面。3.隐藏物, 躲避处 The problem was that with their cover blown they had nowhere to go.眼前的问题是他们既无藏身之处, 又没有别的地方可去。4.幌子, 伪装 The spy’s cover was that she was a consultant engineer.那女间谍伪装成顾问工程师。5.掩蔽, 掩护 For this operation we need plenty of air cover.为进行这次军事行动, 我们需要充足的空中掩护。6.(一副)餐具, 餐席(位) Covers were laid for eight.摆好了八副餐具。7.(保险公司的)保险 8.(生长在一个地区的)树木植物,自然植被 9.(云层的)遮盖;(雪的)覆盖 10.床单;床罩;毯子;被子 11.(对身分、感情或违法事情的)掩盖,掩饰 12.代替工作;代劳;替补 不及物动词 vi.1.代替(某人) Will you cover for me at the telephone switchboard while I run out to post a letter?我出去寄封信,你替我照看一下电话总机好吗? 展开词典例句常用词组 break cover 1. (被追捕时)突然从藏身处(尤其是丛林中)出来 cover one’s back (或 北美 1. (非正式)预见并避免受攻击(批评) cover a multitude of sins 1. 隐瞒(掩饰)许多问题(缺点) Stucco could cover a multitude of sins, including poor brickwork.粉刷可以掩饰许多毛病,包括很差的砌砖工作。 cover one’s position 1. 购买证券为了实现可以出售的承诺 cover one’s tracks 1. 隐瞒证据 cover the waterfront 1. (北美,非正式)涵盖很广;包括事物的各个方面 While half the dishes are Italian, the kitchen covers the waterfront from Greece to Morocco.尽管一半是意大利菜,炊事人员却来自五湖四海。 from cover to cover 1. 从(书或杂志的)第一页到最后一页,从头到尾 under cover of 1. 在…掩护下 The yacht made landfall under cover of darkness.游艇在夜幕的掩护下靠岸了。 under plain cover 1. 在未注明发送者的信封(包裹)内 under separate cover 1. 在另函(另包)内 cover something up 1. 遮蔽;遮盖;掩盖;掩饰 习惯用语 cover (one’s) tracks 1. 灭迹:掩盖痕迹以甩掉追踪者 cover (the) ground 1. 越过:以令人满意的速度越过指定距离 2. 处理,完成:以某种方式处理或完成某事 The history course covered a lot of ground in six weeks.历史课在六周内涉及很广 take cover 1. 躲藏:为躲避敌人火力而寻求躲藏或保护 under cover 1. 为邮寄而封上 2. 隐蔽的:被(如黑暗)藏起来或保护起来的 展开词组习语同义词及物动词 vt. 包含;适用于ofincludeconsistcomprisecontaininvolve遮盖;覆盖protectshelterconcealhide暂无词性 及物动词 vt. 遮盖;覆盖;掩饰uncover 暂无词性 其他释义exposeuncover 法律 1. 保证金贸易 1. 外轮胎 2. n.补进,包括,包含3. 外轮胎航天 名词 n. 1. 盖片会计 1. 投保,利润分配次数,抵补,抵补款额,抵偿,担保,冲销〔外汇市场〕,保险合同,保险契约,补进体育 1. 保护层2. 补位医药 1. 保护:如以预防方法提供的保护,亦指为此而给予的预防措施数学 名词 n. 1. 覆盖2. 又称 :覆盖(covering )消防 1. 【消】①代(另一辆消防车)出动 ②代管(另一辆消防车的责任区)③保护(责任区)④切断火路《指射水保护火场附近的建筑物等》 ⑤抢救盖布⑥(用抢救盖布)覆盖计算机 1. (覆)盖,罩,套;封面派生词coverable语源Middle English: from Old French covrir, from Latin cooperire, from co- (expressing intensive force) + operire ’to cover’. The noun is partly a variant of covertCover in a grave 用土封好墓穴 opencut and cover method 明挖法 percentage of forest cover 森林覆盖率 He read the book from cover to cover. 他从头至尾读了这本书。 Cover potatoes with gravy. 将肉汁浇在土豆上



cover的英语解释是:the stiff outside part of a book or magazine, usually made of thick paper or cardboard,意思是书或杂志外表较硬的部分,通常是用厚纸或纸板制作的。

例句1:Who should we put on the cover of the magazine this month?


黑体部分the cover of the magazine的意思是“杂志的封面”。

例句2:Paperback books have soft covers.平装书用软书皮。

黑体字部分soft covers是“软书皮”的意思,用的是复数形式。

covers,被子,但为什么很多时候都是用复数形式,比如He said from under the covers.





vt. 包括;采访,报导;涉及;行走(一段路程);掩护;翻唱

n. 封面,封皮;盖子;掩蔽物;幌子,借口

vi. 覆盖;代替;敷衍;给…投保;

n. (Cover)人名;(英)科弗;(意)科韦尔






6,cover也可作“隐藏物”“躲避处”解,是把事物隐藏起来以确保安全的保护物,它既可指野生动物找到的树丛等天然的躲避处,也可指阻挡袭击的物体、房屋等,引申可表示“幌子”“伪装”,指隐瞒非法事物、秘密等的手段或指虚假的身份; 也可表示为“掩蔽”“掩护”,作此解时只用作单数形式。

7,cover还可作“(一副)餐具,餐席(位)”解, cover用复数形式,其前加定冠词the,特指“毯子”“被子”。



1. Just play it safe, cover your ass, keep your head down.  


2. Pack the fruits and nuts into the jars and cover with brandy.  


3. I should point out that these estimates cover just the hospital expenditures.  


4. The cashier dived for cover when a gunman opened fire.  


5. A cheap table can be transformed by an interesting cover.  


英文中的covers指的是什么呢 毯子被子被罩

遮盖; 掩蔽; 涉及; 洒上; 封面; 掩护; 覆盖物; 避难所;


cover KK: DJ: vt. 1.遮盖;覆盖 Mary covered her face with her hands. 玛丽用双手捂住脸. 2.覆盖...的表面 The highway was covered with snow. 公路被雪覆盖着. 3.掩饰;隐匿 She laughed to cover her anxiety. 她试图以笑来掩饰她的焦虑. 4.包含;适用于 These regulations cover such cases. 这些规定适用于这类情况. His reading covers a wide range of subjects. 他阅读的书籍涉及多种学科. 5.(不用被动态)行过(路程) We covered about 30 miles a day. 我们每天大约走三十英里. 6.采访,报导 Jack covered the Gulf War for CNN then. 杰克当时替美国有线新闻电视网报导海湾战争. 7.(钱)足够付 Is the money sufficient to cover the tuition? 这笔钱付学费够吗? 8.给...保险;使免受损失 Are the goods covered against fire damage? 这批货物保了火险吗? 9.用枪掩护;把枪口对准(某人) 10.巡逻 11.【体】(为夺球)盯住(对手);守(位) vi. 1.顶替,代替 n. 1.遮盖物;盖子;套子 2.(书的)封面,封底 On the front cover of the magazine is a picture of a boy. 杂志的封面是一张男孩的照片. 3.掩护(物);掩蔽处 This is only the cover for their unlawful activity. 这仅仅是他们非法活动的掩护而已. 4.保险 5.伪装;借口 6.(一副)餐具;餐席


cover英 v.遮盖; 掩蔽; 涉及; 洒上n.封面; 掩护; 覆盖物; 避难所第三人称单数: covers 复数: covers 现在分词: covering 过去式: covered 过去分词: covered 形近词: diver ever sever aver 1Cover the casserole with a tight-fitting lid. 用大小合适的盖子盖住砂锅。 2His finger went up to touch the black patch which covered his left eye. 他伸手去触摸遮住左眼的黑眼罩。


包括;采访,报导;涉及.封面,封皮;盖子;掩蔽物. 覆盖;代替from cover to cover 从头至尾 under cover 隐藏着;秘密地 cover up 掩盖,盖住 cover for 代替 cover with 覆盖 cover to cover 完整收录 cover letter 附信 under separate cover 在另函中 land cover 土地覆盖 cover in 用泥土填;遮盖住 cover an area of 占地面积,占地多少 ground cover 地被植物 vegetation cover 植被(覆盖);植物覆盖层 cover plate 电机活动盖板;荧光屏前面防护玻璃 take cover 躲藏,隐蔽 upper cover 上盖,上层覆盖 snow cover 积雪;积雪层;雪盖层 front cover n. 封面;机壳前盖 separate cover 另函;分散掩蔽 end cover 端盖 更多收起词组短语 vt.包括;采访,报导;涉及deal with, complete withn.封面,封皮;盖子;掩蔽物envelope, coervi.覆盖;代替write over, substitute for. 书皮,封面2. 覆盖物,盖子,套子3. 保护;遮蔽;隐藏4. 隐藏处;遮蔽物,掩护物5. 借口,假装6. 一份餐具7. 外表,门面8. =cover charge9. (邮件的)封套,封皮,信封;首日封10. 代替人,替身11. 床罩,被子,毯子12. (特工人员的保护性)化装,伪装13. (美国海军陆战队员戴的)钢盔14. =cover versioncover n.1. a covering that serves to conceal or shelter somethingunder cover of darkness 2. bedding that keeps a person warm in bedhe pulled the covers over his head and went to sleep 3. the act of concealing the existence of something by obstructing the view of itthe cover concealed their guns from enemy aircraft 4. the protective covering on the front, back, and spine of a book5. a natural object that covers or envelopsunder a covering of dust the fox was flushed from its cover 6. covering for a hole (especially a hole in the top of a container)put the cover back on the kettle 7. fire that makes it difficult for the enemy to fire on your own individuals or formationsartillery provided covering fire for the withdrawal 8. a fixed charge by a restaurant or night club over and above the charge for food and drink9. a recording of a song that was first recorded or made popular by somebody elsethey made a cover of a Beatles’ song 10. a false identity and background (especially one created for an undercover agent)her new name and passport are cover for her next assignment v.1. provide with a covering or cause to be coveredcover her face with a handkerchief cover the child with a blanket cover the grave with flowers 2. form a cover overThe grass covered the grave 3. span an interval of distance, space or timeThe period covered the turn of the century This farm covers some 200 acres 4. provide forThe grant doesn’t cover my salary 5. deal with verbally or in some form of artistic expressionThe course covered all of Western Civilization 6. include in scope; include as part of something broader; have as one’s sphere or territorythis should cover everyone in the group 7. travel across or pass overThe caravan covered almost 100 miles each day 8. be responsible for reporting the details of, as in journalismThe cub reporter covered New York City 9. hold within range of an aimed firearm10. to take an action to protect against future problemsCount the cash in the drawer twice just to cover yourself 11. hide from view or knowledgeThe President covered the fact that he bugged the offices in the White House 12. protect or defend (a position in a game)he covered left field 13. maintain a check on; especially by patrollingThe second officer covered the top floor 14. protect by insuranceThe insurance won’t cover this 15. make up for shortcomings or a feeling of inferiority by exaggerating good qualities16. invest with a large or excessive amount of somethingShe covered herself with glory 17. help out by taking someone’s place and temporarily assuming his responsibilitiesShe is covering for our secretary who is ill this week 18. be sufficient to meet, defray, or offset the charge or cost ofIs this enough to cover the check? 19. spread over a surface to conceal or protectThis paint covers well 20. cover as if with a shroud21. copulate with a female, used especially of horsesThe horse covers the mare 22. put something on top of something elsecover the meat with a lot of gravy 23. play a higher card than the one previously playedSmith covered again 24. be responsible for guarding an opponent in a game25. sit on (eggs)The female covers the eggs 26. clothe, as if for protection from the elementscover your head


covers n. 覆盖;封面,盖子;暗礁,保证金,暗礁群v. 覆盖,包含(cover的单三形式)covers /ˈkəʊvɜːs/1.ABBREVIATION for coversed sine 余矢词组短语 同近义词from cover to cover从头至尾under cover隐藏着;秘密地cover up掩盖,盖住

关键词: 封面
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