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academicperformance(improve academic performance什么意思)

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2024-07-05 15:20:43  作者:[db:新闻资讯作者]  浏览次数:23
核心提示:本文目录improve academic performance什么意思4. Do you think having a part-time job might affect your academic perfo


  • improve academic performance什么意思
  • 4. Do you think having a part-time job might affect your academic performance
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  • academic performance是什么意思啊

improve academic performance什么意思

Improve academic performance翻译:提高学习成绩;例句:Help more teenagers build confidence, learn to be grateful,improve academic  performance and become international Chinese!帮助更多的青少年获得自信、懂得感恩和提高成绩,做国际化的中国人!

4. Do you think having a part-time job might affect your academic performance

你认为做兼职工作会影响你的学习成绩吗?回答:I don’t think so. In my openion, having a part-time job is helpful to improve my academic performance. First of all, as a college student, social experence is very important for our study and personality. Doing a part time job can provide us a chance to know the complicated society before we graduate from college. Secondly, we do not have so much study work in school, we needn’t worry about the time we can spend on our academic. Finally, we can choose a part-time job which is related to our major, in this way, we could learn more about our academic knowledge. So, if I have a chance, I will do a pate-time job in my spare time.


“我本科阶段的专业是数学”的英文:My undergraduate major is mathematics.


1、undergraduate course 本科课程

2、undergraduate student 本科生

3、undergraduate program 本科课程

4、undergraduate college 大学本科;颁发学士学位的学院

5、undergraduate study 本科学习;大学教育

undergraduate 读法 英  

1、n. 大学本科生;大学肄业生

2、adj. 大学本科生的;大学肄业生的




1、academic的基本意思是“与大学〔高等院校,大专院校,高等学府〕有关的”,可指“教学的; 教育的”,也可指“学业的; 学术的”。作“学业的”解时可指“善于学习的”,也可指“学业良好的”。作“学术的”解时可指与学校教育有关或与实践性、技术性相对的“学术性的”。

2、academic在句中可作定语、表语或宾语补足语。作“教学(上)的; 教育的; 学术的”解时通常用于名词之前,偶尔也可用于连系动词之后。



1、academic performance 学习成绩

2、academic achievement 学业成就

3、academic study 学术研究

4、academic exchange 学术交流

5、academic problem 学术问题


学习成绩好Good academic performance

academic performance是什么意思

academic performance学业成绩,学术成就; 例句:1.Instead, improved academic performance may be because brighter children from privileged backgrounds are more likely to learn an instrument, rather than music classes helping to boost their intelligence. 事实上,更优秀的学习成绩可能是因为这些家庭背景更优越的小孩更聪明,更可能去学习乐器,而并非学音乐有助于提高他们的智力。

the dean’s list recognizing academic performance.是什么意思

Dean’s List在绝大部分的美国大学是指学生在该学期修了12个学分以上,并取得GPA3.5以上的。承认学术成绩的院长公布的优秀生名单(荣誉名册)


结合句意可知用一般现在时. 本句主要句型为A as+形容词/副词原级+as B,表示“A和B一样…“,句中大致需要表达“身心健康与学业进步一样重要“,因而可译为“physical and mental health is as important as the progress in academic performance.“ 需要注意的是核心词为进步(progress),后面用一个介词短语in academic performance作后置定语或者用过去分词短语made in academic performance作后置定语.




[例句]His performance is completely over the top.




live performance现场表演。

good performance很好的表演(或表现、性能)。

poor performance糟糕的表演(或表现、性能)。

strong performance出色的表演(或表现、性能)。

academic performance学业成绩。

economic performance经济状况。

sexual performance性能力。

performance appraisal表现评估。

company performance公司业绩。

job performance工作表现。


Now much of the Earth’s carbon dioxide, destroy the balance of nature.Members may think that carbon dioxide is a waste, there is no useful, this way of thinking is wrong.In fact, there are a lot of carbon dioxide is less useful, or even very important.For example when photosynthesis is plants cannot leave the carbon dioxide; carbon dioxide used to process the disposal of sewage nuclear power stations, the effect is not bad; carbon dioxide can also be used as a fertilizer, carbon dioxide gas blowing crops, can yield increase by 10% to 50%.其实很简单的,网上找个翻译器,翻译一下好了

academic performance是什么意思啊

academic performance 学习成绩;学业表现;学术成就例句:found that poor sleep patterns were linked to poorer academic performance and a decline in grade-point average during the transition from high school to college.该研究发现:不健康的睡眠模式跟较差的学习成绩相关,并且会导致从高中到大学过度期间的平均分数下降。

关键词: 学业
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