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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2024-12-19 20:38:58  作者:[db:新闻资讯作者]  浏览次数:24
核心提示:本文目录sewage音标如何划分sewage的意思waterwaste和sewage的区别sewerage和sewage区别sweage sewage两单词的区别bilge、draina


  • sewage音标如何划分
  • sewage的意思
  • waterwaste和sewage的区别
  • sewerage和sewage区别
  • sweage sewage两单词的区别
  • bilge、drainage和sewage怎么区分
  • 词义辨析:effluent 和 sewage 的区别【难】
  • sewage, plumbing和drainage 有什么区别


sewage    英    

n.    污水; 下水道; (下水道里的) 污物;    

A number of beaches in the region have been polluted by sewage pumped into the Irish Sea.



sewage 下水道中的污物;秽水;脏水sewage system 污水处理系统生活污水 domestic sewage 污水管 sewage pipe污水管道 sewage conduit这是幅污水处理的工艺流程图。 This is a drawing of the technological process of sewage processing金水河的秽水近两年得到了有效的治理。 The sewage in Jinshui River has been under effective control in recent years.


是wastewater 么?wastewater指的是那些被污染了的水而sewage就是下水道里面的污水那就是比如一个有一个下水道的污水,sewage,排到了一个干净的河流里面,然后这个河流就脏了,变成了wastewater。有帮助请采纳~不懂欢迎追问~


sewerage seweragen. 污物处理(系统) sewage sewagen. (下水道里的)污物

sweage sewage两单词的区别

sewagen.污水;污物n. 污水;下水道;污物n.污物v.用污水灌溉;装设下水道于(某地)sewage (n.) 1818, from sew (v.) “to drain, draw off water“ (late 15c., from sewer (n.1)) + -age.Sweage,这个可能是异体字吧,很多词典都没有这个词污水您要找的是不是:sewage n. 污水;下水道;污物


bilge 废水drainage 排水sewage 污水bilge 在俚语里有nonsense,rubbish的意思, 原本也是航海的术语,因此它的废水含义,原指收集在船舶或运输车辆中的(圆形)容器中的污水。 因此也有污水的含义,但强调是已被妥放安置的污水,因此译成废水。drainage 强调的是排泄,排放的水或液体,可能是污水,可能是废水,也可能是正常水的有意识排放或无意识泄漏。sewage则是液态或固态的废料,也特强调是家庭活动或工业生成所形成的废水,通过排放系统,最终要处理成非污染性质的物质。因此含义是待处理的污水。而bilge则没有明确说明,可能被废弃了。。。。

词义辨析:effluent 和 sewage 的区别【难】

effluent形容词 adj.1.发出的,流出的名词 n.1.(注入河里等的)污水,工业废水Dangerous effluent from some chemical plants is being poured into the river through the town.几家化学工厂排出的有害废水正流入通过我们市镇的河里。2.(从湖等)流出的水流effluent adj. 发出的,流出的 n. (注入河里等的)污水,工业废水;(从湖等)流出的水流 流出物; 废水; 污水; 瘤物物质名词(工厂或污水处理厂排出的)废水,污水 Effluent is liquid waste material that comes out of factories or sewage worksThe effluent from the factory was dumped into the river... 那家工厂的废水被排入河中。All industrial chemical plants produce waste effluents. 所有工业化工厂都会排放废水。1.Industrial effluent often causes a problem to people’s health.工业废水常常危害人们的健康。 2. Dangerous effluent from some chemical plants is being poured into the river through the town. 几家化学工厂排出的有害废水正流入通过我们市镇的河里。 3. Fixing the levels of effluent charges poses some severe problems. 把排污收费规定在一个水平上,又引起一些严重问题。 4. Section 301(b)(2) prescribes BAT effluent limitations for “nonconventional“ and toxic pollutants. 第201条(b)(2)中,针对“非常规”和有毒污染物规定了“最佳现有技术”污水限制。 5. The effluent from the factory was dumped into the river. 那家工厂的废水被排入河中。 6. The effluent from the factory makes the river unsafe for swimming. 工厂放出的废水把这条河弄得不能游泳了。 7. The waste after mercerization produces an effluent containing 5% NaOH. 丝光后产生含碱量5%的废液。 8. Those can remove organics and remove inorganics from the effluent. 这些可以从废水中去除有机物的一类和去除无机物的另一类。9. The chemical companies are poisoning our rivers with effluent. 这些化学公司排出废水污染着我们的河流。 10. Effluent standards have superseded stream standards. 排放标准已代替了流淌标准。 11. So far, technology-based effluent limitations continue to govern discharges by industrial point sources. 至今,以技术为基础的污水限制继续统管着工业污染源的排放。 12. The courts have upheld EPA’s refusal to consider receiving water quality in setting BPT effluent limitations. 法院支持环境保护局在考虑设置“最佳实用技术”排污限制标准时拒绝考虑承接水质量问题。 13. There is no requirement of a balancing between the costs and benefits of effluent reduction. 在污水减少的成本和利益之间没有平衡的要求。 14. Each pollutant on the list is subject to effluent limitations based on the BAT standard. 清单上的每种污染物必须按照“最佳现有技术”标准服从污水排放限制。 15. The trickling filter and activated sludge efficiencies cited required primary sedimentation and effluent circulation. 列举的生物滤池与活性淤泥法的效率就需要初次沉淀和回流。 16. The resulting effluent is then diluted upon combination with the total plant effluent. 所得的排出水与全厂排水汇合而被稀释。 17. Momentum of the injector effluent streams can contribute to lateral flow, either intentionally or or unintentionally. 喷注器单元喷注射流的动量可能有意或无意地影响横向流。 18. The degree of treatment required for a wastewater depends mainly on discharge requirements for the effluent. 废水要求的处理程度主要取决于出水排放的要求。 19. There is only, at best, random monitoring of wastewater effluent by the pollution control agency. 污染控制机关充其量只是偶尔检查工厂的排水情况。 20. A novel process of acetonitrile recovery from pharmaceutical effluent was designed. 设计了一套回收制药废液中乙腈的新工艺sewage 名词 n.1.(下水道里的)污物 They city needs a new sewage disposal system.这个城市需要一套新的污水处理系统。sewage n. (下水道里的)污物;下水道;污水 不可数名词(下水道的)污水,污物,废水 Sewage is waste matter such as faeces or dirty water from homes and factories, which flows away through sewersthe MPs’ call for more treatment of raw sewage. 议员们关于对未经净化的污水加强处理的呼吁1.The pipe disgorges sewage into the sea.这管道将污水排入大海。 2. The city needs a new sewage disposal system. 这个城市需要一套新的污水处理系统. 3. The intense currents disperse the sewage. 急流冲散了污水。 4. Ecologists argue that the benefits of treating sewage with disinfectants are doubtful. 生态学家认为用消毒剂处理污水是否有益值得怀疑。 5. The sewage reticulation system is used everywhere. 网状污水渠系统无处不在。 6. A million tonnes of untreated sewage is dumped into the sea. 一百万吨未经处理的污水被倾倒进了海里。 7. They demand more services such as sewage and drainage. 他们要求更多的公共设施,如污水处理和下水道系统等等。 8. It requires of us great efforts to clarify sewage in cities. 净化城市的污水需要我们很大的努力。 9. Sewage, however, is rather different. 然而,污水则有所不同。 10. Sewage and waste from the island is heat treated to kill any virus. 由该封闭孤岛出来的污水和废水要经热处理,杀死任何病毒。 11. Waste heat and treated sewage efflunents are two such discharges that are now being investigated. 废热和处理过的污水,就是目前正进行研究的两种排放物。 12. Screening may have to be used prior to introduction to municipal sewage treatment plants. 进入城市污水处理厂之前,必须进行过滤。 13. The dilution of the textile wastes by domestic sewage weakens the concentration of the former. 由于生活污水的稀释作用,降低了纺织废水的浓度。 14. The grave problems of public hygiene are connected with the inefficient sewage system of the city. 公共卫生方面的严重问题与该城低效率的污水处理系统有关。 15. The pathogen load of a given sewage varies from one community to the other. 污水中的病原体含量因不同的社区而异。 16. This sewage-consuming biological process depends on a closely intorrelated succession of species of animal plankton. 这种污水的生物净化过程就依赖着浮游动物种类的一种密切相关的演替。 17. Stream standards refer to quality of receiving water downstream from the origin of sewage discharge. 水体标准是指污水排放点下游的受纳水体的水质。 18. The ratio of domestic sewage to textile wastes has no appreciable effect on the treatability. 生活污水与纺织废水的比例对处理能力无明显影响。 19. A unified scheme has been developed for virus concentration from tapwater, seawater, and sewage. 已经研究了一种可以从自来水、海水和污水中浓缩病毒的统一程序。 20. This paper introduces application of aquatic plants in sewage treatment. 摘要介绍了水生植物在污水治理中的应用。

sewage, plumbing和drainage 有什么区别

sewage英音:译:名词 污水;污秽物,污物,城市污水plumbing:译:名词 抽水马桶,(建筑物的)配管(系统)drainage :译:名词 下水道,排水系统,排水设备.排出的水

关键词: 污水
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