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kryptonian(蝙蝠侠大战超人 卢瑟说的氪星人古老的基因缺陷是指什么)

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核心提示:本文目录蝙蝠侠大战超人 卢瑟说的氪星人古老的基因缺陷是指什么不义联盟2女超人怎么用 不义联盟2女超人全技氪星人都是超人吗求生


  • 蝙蝠侠大战超人 卢瑟说的氪星人古老的基因缺陷是指什么
  • 不义联盟2女超人怎么用 不义联盟2女超人全技
  • 氪星人都是超人吗
  • 求生活大爆炸/天才理论传 第2季11集 开头到3分15秒的对话(英语的)
  • 每个氪星人都是超人吗
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蝙蝠侠大战超人 卢瑟说的氪星人古老的基因缺陷是指什么

故事接的时间线是《超人:钢铁之躯》。超人出现在地球,被民众引以为神之子,万众敬仰。蝙蝠侠在目睹了这些外星人战斗引起的灾难之后,认为超人会对人类、对地球有严重的威胁,并打算除去这个外星来的祸害。莱克斯·卢瑟要毁灭超人,并发现了超人可能的弱点:氪石。计划步步紧逼,关键时刻,蝙蝠侠盗走了氪石,制作成武器, 要消灭超人。卢瑟以超人养母的生命做要挟,要求超人消灭蝙蝠侠。结果就是蝙蝠侠和超人好一番打斗,氪石发挥效用,超人被打倒。关键时刻,误会解除。两人合作,决定对付卢瑟。卢瑟用留在地球的氪星科技,制造了怪物毁灭日,对付超人、蝙蝠侠。危急关头,神奇女侠前来救场,最终超人选择和毁灭日同归于尽。超人葬礼后,蝙蝠侠决定联合地球上的异能者,对付未来未知的威胁。这个威胁,就是黑暗君主达克赛德。

不义联盟2女超人怎么用 不义联盟2女超人全技

女超人连招Crossroads of Time – 中击, 轻击, 中击Elseworld’s Finest – 轻击, 轻击, 上 + 重击Forbidden Fortress – 中击, 轻击Girl of Steel – 右 + 中击, 重击 Hail & Farewell – 左 + 轻击, 中击Last Daughter of Krypton – 左 + 轻击, 中击, Heavy攻击 Matrix – 左 + 中击, 轻击 + 重击Power of Rao – 右 + 中击, 重击, 轻击Power Struggle – 轻击, 轻击, Medium攻击 R’E’L – 中击, 轻击, 中击, 轻击, 中击, 轻击Silver Age – 轻击, 轻击特殊技能(Air) Dash Away – 左, 左(Air) Dash Towards – 右, 右(Air) Power Slam – 下 + Throw(Air) Space Port – 下, 左 + 中击Frost Breath – 下, 右 + 中击Kryptonian Force – 左, 右 + 重击Rising Sun Strike – 下, 左 + 轻击Space Port – 下, 左 + 中击Super Hover (Air) – 下, 左 + 轻击











参考资料: 百度百科-氪星人

求生活大爆炸/天才理论传 第2季11集 开头到3分15秒的对话(英语的)

(the four nerds are sitting around the table, eating and discussing)S: your arguement is lacking in all scientific merit, it is well established superman clears his uniform by flying into earth’s yellow sun which incinerates any contaminate matter and leaves the invulnerable Kryptonian fabric unharmed and daisy fresh.H: what if he gets something Kryptonian on it?S: like what?H: i don’t know, Kryptonian mustard.S: i think we can safely assume that all Kryptonian condiments were destroyed when planet Kryton exploded.R: or it turned into mustard Kryptonite, the only way to destroy a rogue Kryptonian hotdog threatening Earth.L: raj, please, let’s stay serious here. superman’s body is Kryptonian therefore his sweat is Kryptonian.H: yeah, what about Krytonian pit stains?S: superman doesn’t sweat on earth.H: ok, he’s invited for dinner in the bottle city of Kandor, he miniaturized himself, enters the city where he loses his superpowers. now before dinner his host says“who’s up for a little Kryptonian tetherball“, superman says“sure“, works up a sweat, comes back to earth, his uniform now stained indestructible Kryptonian perspiration.R: boo yaS: superman would have taken his uniform to a Kandorian dry cleaner before he left the Bottle.R: kandorian cry cleaner, i give up, you can’t have a rational arguement with this man.H: hey, isn’t that the guy who won the Mac Arthur genius grant last year? no, not all at once.R: then how?H: leonard, now raj, now sheldon.R: i didn’t get a good look, can i go again?H: noL: it’s David Underhill, so what?S: so what? his observation of high-energy-positrons has provided the first conclusive evidence for the existence of galactic dark matter.L: i have two words for you, the first is-big the other is-whoopS: it is a big whoop, it made almost all the work you’ve done since you’ve been here completely useless.L: did notH: did tooL: did.......ok, maybe some of it, but.....look, the guy was just in the right place at the right time with the right paradigm shifting re-interpretation of the universe.he got lucky.R: in more ways than one, he’s a very handsome man.H: doesn’t do anything for me. if i was gonna go that way, i was more of a ZacEphron kinda guy.R: oh yeah, like you have a shot with ZacEphron.(here comes David)D: excuse me, are u Leonard Hofstadter?L: oh, yeahD: i’m David UnderhillL: oh, y~~yeahD: Dr. Gablehauser said if i wanted to set something up in the photo-multiplier lab that you’d be able to give me a hand?L: you wanna work with me? wellD: if you have a little time, yeahL: wow,yeah... sure...yeah, no problem, uh... here’s my home number, here’s my cell, here’s my office, here’s my parents’ number up in New Jersey, they always know how to reach me, so, okay. congratulations on the Mac Arthur grant, by the way, big fan.D: thanks, i’ll call you.L: okay, byebye.... what are u looking at? you’ve never seen a hypocrite before?(music)S for sheldon H for howard R for rajL for leonardPS: Forgive me if there’s some spelling mistake cause i figured u’r sort of in a rush, so.......







Superman History Superman is the sole survivor of the planet Krypton. His father, Jor-El, discovered that a nuclear chain reaction was building inside Krypton that would soon shatter the entire world. Jor-El therefore had his unborn son Kal-El removed from the Kryptonian Gestation Chambers and affixed the life matrix containing Kal-El to an experimental vessel for travel through hyperspace. Jor-El launched the starcraft toward Earth just before Krypton exploded. Superman was, in effect, born on Earth when the starcraft landed there. Jonathan and Martha Kent found the infant inside the vessel and brought him to their farm in Smallville, Kansas. Since he appeared entirely human, the Kents assumed that the baby was a victim of a cruel experiment. At this time the baby had no super powers. The Kents named the infant Clark and raised him as their own son. As clark grew older his Kryptonian body began developing superhuman abilities. When Clark was eighteen, took him to the field where his starcraft still lay hidden and explained how he and Martha had found him. Clark resolved to use his powers from then on only for the good of mankind. After revealing his secret to his childhood friend, Lana Lang, Clark left Smallville to study at Metropolis University. Clark initially used his powers covertly to help people and prevent or thwart disasters. Ultimately, he was forced to use his powers in public to prev ent the crash of a NASA space-plane. Thereafter he and his foster parents devised a new costumed secret identity he would adopt when using his abilities in public. They called his new persona “Superman,“ the name given him by Lois Lane, a reporter for the Metropolis Daily Planet who had been aboard the space-plane. Shortly afterward, Clark obtained a job as a reporter for the Daily Planet by turning in his first detailed story about Superman. He currently enjoys a freelance status with the Planet. Some time ago Superman journeyed to an otherdimensional “pocket universe“ that had its own Krypton and Earth. After defeating three Kryptonians native to that universe who had murdered the entire population of its Earth, Superman executed the trio, believing there was no other way to stop them. The tremendous guilt Superman felt over this act combined by the psychic manipulation by his foe Braniac, caused him to develop a temporary split personality. Believing himself to be potentially dangerous to humanity, Superman exiled himself to space, eventually taken prisoner by the forces of the alien tyrant Mongul. During this time Superman resolved never to kill again....“ Superman lives by the traditional moral values instilled in him by his foster parents. Superman is an idealist, devoted to promoting “truth, justice, and the American way,“ and has proved over and over that he is a true hero, capable of whatever bravery and self-sacrifice is necessary to right a wrong or save a life.Powers and WeaponsSince Superman is a native of Krypton, a planet that had a red sun, under a yellow sun (like that of Earth’s his Kryptonian cells act as living solar batteries, absorbing solar energy and giving him superhuman powers. He possesses tremendous strength; while Superman’s strength is not infinite, its full extent is so grea that it has never been accurately measured. His body is virtually indesrtuctible.Superman’s sharp senses enable him to hear souns too faint to be detected by the normal human ear. His “telescopic vision“ enables him to focus his sight on distant objects far beyond the range of normal human sight. His “microscopic vision“ allows him to observe an object in microscopic detail. Superman’s so called “x-ray vision“ enables him to see clearly through solid objects. Certain dense materials, notably lead, obstruct this ability. His power to generate heat within objects manifests itself as a red glow within his eyes, and is therefore known as “heat vision.“Superman can move, react, and think at superhuman speeds greater than that of sound. He can defy gravity and fly through force of will. Superman’s irradiated cells generate a force field that extends for a fraction of an inch around his body, rendering any material within the field nearly indestructible, such as his skin tight costume. (Because his cape extends beyond the field, it is easily damaged.)Superman is vulnerable to the radiation of Kryptonite, a substance from his native planet. Kryptonite radiation will kill Superman within minutes. He is also vulnerable to magic, and to the psionic powers of some beings, such as Braniac. Superman must fill his lungs with air before flying through outer space. He can thus survive without breathing for several hours, but ulitmately he must replenish his oxygen supply to remain alive. 这个网站也有些资料http://www.redboots.net/comics/supe_history.htm欢迎来到正义联盟吧,正义联盟吧将带你进入美国漫画英雄的世界!从SPIDER MAN 到 SUPERMAN 再到 BATMAN …一切和超级英雄有关的东西都可以在这看到,如果你也是超级英雄迷就快来吧!http://post.baidu.com/f?kw=%D5%FD%D2%E5%C1%AA%C3%CB


刚铎人 (Kandorian) 在美国漫画《超人》中,刚铎人 (Kandorian)是刚铎 (Kandor)城市的市民,刚铎是超人所在星球氪星的首都。刚铎在氪星被摧毁的几年前被超级大反派Brianiac缩小并窃取。后来超人打败超级大反派Brianiac后在另一个星球上恢复了刚铎,但是新的问题又出现了……(实在是懒得翻译了,下面我贴出来英文原文,有兴趣的话童鞋们自己翻译下吧)Kandor was once the capital of Krypton until it was shrunken and stolen by the supervillain Brainiac, several years before the planet was destroyed. Superman discovered the city in Brainiac’s possession when the android came to Earth decades later to harvest more cities (Action Comics #242, July 1958) and rescued it, keeping it in his Fortress of Solitude while looking for a way to restore it to full size. In return, the Kandorians provided the superhero with a place where he was an honored guest who was occasionally invited to participate in matters of local government, various professionals to assist him when asked and even occasionally assisted him in the outside with the Superman Emergency Squad.Eventually (Superman #338, Aug 1979), Superman was able to restore the population to normal size and they settled on another planet that revolved around a red sun. The Kandorians decided to name their new homeworld Rokyn, which is the Kryptonian word for gift from God (Rokyn had first been revealed as existing in the 30th century in Adventure Comics #356, May 1967). Superman constructed a replica of the bottle-sized city to keep as a memento but was surprised when thousands of tiny aliens, fleeing the destruction of their home planet, moved into it (Superman #371, Aug 1982). When told the city’s original name was Kandor, the aliens decided to call it that as well. On a trial basis, Superman restored two inhabitants to normal size to introduce them to life on Earth, but discovered that population has a dangerous reaction to the planet’s environment which transforms them into mindless, powerful and rampaging beasts who were difficult for Superman to control. As such, Superman decided that for the time being, the New Kandorians would have to remain in the bottled city with a carefully filtered atmosphere until that medical problem was solved

关键词: 超人
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