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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2025-01-27 12:24:07  作者:[db:新闻资讯作者]  浏览次数:22
核心提示:本文目录appropriate什么意思中文翻译英语propretie单词什么意思propriety trading是什么意思“礼仪之邦”用英文该怎么说以礼治


  • appropriate什么意思中文翻译
  • 英语propretie单词什么意思
  • propriety trading是什么意思
  • “礼仪之邦”用英文该怎么说
  • 以礼治国 英语 怎么说
  • propriety中文是什么意思
  • proprietor(proprietory) propriety这两个单词如此相似,意思却大相径庭是为何
  • 礼帽用英语怎么说








第三人称单数: appropriates 现在分词: appropriating 过去式: appropriated 过去分词: appropriated

派生词: appropriately adv.  appropriateness n.

记忆技巧:ap 加强 + propri 拥有 + ate 使… → 强行拥有〔公物〕→ 挪用


appropriate amount of pressure 适当分量的压力

appropriate choice of words 恰当的措词

appropriate clothes 合适的衣服

appropriate extent 适当的程度

appropriate manner and method 恰当的方式

appropriate measure 恰当的措施

appropriate method 恰当的方法

appropriate place 恰当的场合

appropriate preferential treatment 适当的照顾

appropriate readjustments 适当的调整

appropriate remarks 恰当的话





propriety trading是什么意思

propriety trading自营业务例句:1.Propriety trading has become a dirty word in the years following the 2007-2008 financial crisis. 在2007年—2008年金融危机之后的几年中,自营交易已变成一个肮脏的字眼。、2.The chinese agreed that before the next round of talks they would streamline licensing for insurancecompanies and announce rules to allow foreign securities firms to expand operations to include proprietytrading and fund management. 中方同意,在举行下轮对话之前,简化保险公司进入中国市场的审批程序,并出台相关规定,允许外国证券公司扩大在华业务,包括自营业务和基金管理业务。、3.The basic problem for morgan’s investors is that wall street is a volatile business, even without proprietytrading. 摩根士丹利投资者遇到的最根本问题是,即便没有自营交易,华尔街的经营状况也是起伏很大。、4.Andrew madoff and his brother mark, who committed suicide on the second anniversary of their father’sarrest, were co-directors of trading for the brokerage, market-making and propriety trading parts of the firm,which they have claimed were consistently profitable. 安德鲁•麦道夫的兄长马克在其父被捕的两周年之际自杀身亡,兄弟俩是公司经纪、做市商和自营交易部门的联席交易总监,并坚称其部门一直盈利。望采纳,谢谢


A country of courtesy或a state of ceremonies注:courtesy英 美 n. 承蒙; 谦恭有礼,礼貌,请安; 有礼貌的举止; adj. 殷勤的; 出于礼节的; He did not even have the courtesy to reply to my fax..他连回复我传真的这点儿礼貌都没有。 复数:courtesies

以礼治国 英语 怎么说

To govern the country with the rule of propriety.“propriety“ 是指正确的行为、语言、作法等。


propriety 英 n. 正当; 规矩; 《正》礼貌; 合适; Their sense of social propriety is eroded.他们的社交礼仪意识淡薄。 复数:proprieties

proprietor(proprietory) propriety这两个单词如此相似,意思却大相径庭是为何

proprietary adj.1.Of or relating to a proprietor or to proprietors as a group: 所有人的:属于一个所有人或作为群体的所有人的,或与之有关的:proprietary rights.所有权2.Exclusively owned; private: 私有的:独家占有的;私人的:a proprietary hospital.一家私人医院3.Befitting an owner: 业主的:业主所特有的:a proprietary air.业主所特有的架子4.Owned by a private individual or corporation under a trademark or patent: 专卖的,专利的:在一个专利商标或专利权下由个人或企业所有的:a proprietary drug.一种专卖药n.(名词) 【复数】pro.pri.e.tar.ies .1.A proprietor. 业主:所有人2.A group of proprietors. 一群所有人3.Ownership; proprietorship. 所有权:占有权;所有权4.A proprietary medicine. 专卖药品5.One granted ownership of a proprietary colony. 领主:独占某殖民地所有权的人语源:1.From Middle English proprietarie 源自 中古英语 proprietarie 2.from Old French proprietaire源自 古法语 proprietaire3.and from Medieval Latin propriet³rius并源自 中世纪拉丁语 propriet³rius4.both from Late Latin 都源自 后期拉丁语 5.from Latin propriet³s * see property 源自 拉丁语 propriet³s *参见 property proprietor n. 名词1.One who has legal title to something; an owner. 业主:对某物有法定所有权的人;主人2.One who owns or owns and manages a business or other such establishment. 所有人:占有…的人,或占有而且经营一家公司或其他企业机构的人语源:Probably alteration of Middle English proprietarie * see proprietary可能为 中古英语 proprietarie的变化 *参见 proprietary propriety n.(名词) 【复数】pro.pri.e.ties1.The quality of being proper; appropriateness. 妥当:合适的特性;恰当2.Conformity to prevailing customs and usages.See Synonyms at etiquette得体:与流行的习俗和习惯相一致参见 etiquette3.proprieties The usages and customs of polite society. proprieties 礼节:文明社会的习俗和习惯语源:1.Middle English propriete 中古英语 propriete 2.from Old French * see property 从可以看出,它们其实是一个语源。意思相关联,并非大相径庭。


你要问的是礼貌吧?以下是礼貌的同义词和派生词——civility名词 n.1.礼貌,客气 He greeted us with civility.他谦恭地同我们打了招呼。2.礼仪,客套 We exchanged a few civilities.我们相互寒暄了几句。courtesy名词 n.1.谦恭有礼,礼貌,请安 They didn’t even have the courtesy to apologize.他们也不道个歉, 真没有礼貌。2.有礼貌的举止 Do me the courtesy of listening to what I have to say.请听我说几句话。3.承蒙 Through the courtesy of your Commercial Counsellor, we get to know your company name and address.承蒙贵国商务参赞告知,我得悉贵司公司名称和地址。形容词 adj.1.(公共汽车、小轿车等 )免费乘坐(或使用)的 manners 名词 n.1.礼貌;规矩2.风俗,习惯 propriety名词 n.1.正当,妥当;合适,适当,适宜 We hesitated at the propriety of the method.我们对这种办法是否适用拿不定主意。The sensitive matter was handled with great propriety.这件机密的事处理得极为适当。2.得体的举止;有分寸的行为3.行为规范;礼节;规矩decency 名词 n.1.正派,正直,端庄;体面 His sense of decency and fair play made him refuse the offer.他的正直感和公平竞争意识使他拒绝了这一提议。A journalist should always live up to the ideals of truth, decency, and justice.记者必须始终践行真实、正直、正义的理想。2.社会上高尚文雅行为的标准,礼仪 Governments are often drawn into disputes about matters of public taste and decency.政府经常被拉入到有关公众品位和社会风化问题的争论中。

关键词: 英语
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